While Defending Islam in Aftermath of Paris Attacks, Obama Refers to Himself as a Muslim Again


While defending Islam in the aftermath of the Paris atrocities by continuing the farcical charade of pretending that it does not explicitly advocate the violence it has been inspiring for the past 1,400 years, Obama seemed to refer to himself as a Muslim:

This wasn’t the first time:

There are other examples of Obama speaking as a Muslim. Then there is the ring.

Whether Obama actually aims himself at Mecca and grinds his face on the floor five times daily, I wouldn’t know. But at this point there is no doubt whatsoever that he identifies with Islam and sides with it against its historic enemy, Western Civilization — if only because of his allegiance to the Third World.

– See more at: http://moonbattery.com/?p=65391#sthash.EvA6ilat.dpuf

The Jihadi in the White House

Family Security Matters

I concluded “Raping the Swedish Corpse” on November 13th with this observation:

President Barack Obama has made a statement of consolation that sounds more like a sympathetic, almost congratulatory message to ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, and other Islamic terror groups. He sounded almost regretful that the destruction in Paris wasn’t wider and the casualties higher. That’s worth another column.

And here it is.

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Obama Invents Name For Islamic Terrorists: “Disaffected Individuals Around The World”…

Barack Obama

Weasel Zippers

No surprise considering this is the same administration that scrubbed every mention of the words Islam, Muslim, and jihad from counterterror documents.

Via RT:

President Barack Obama addressed questions that the United States had underestimated the threat of Islamic State attacks, noting that the US and its partners had “acute awareness” of the threat, but that its difficult to strike a non-governmental group.
“The concerns about potential ISIL attacks in the West have been there for over a year now and they come through periodically,” Obama told reporters at a Group of 20 summit in Turkey on Monday, using an acronym for Islamic State (IS, also formerly known as ISIS).

The president promised that the US has not underestimated the ability of IS to strike Western countries militarily, but because the terrorist group does not conduct “conventional warfare,” it is difficult to stop.

“We play into the ISIL narrative when we use routine military tactics that are designed to fight a state that is attacking another state,” he said. That’s not what’s going on here. These are killers with fantasies of glory who are very savvy when it comes to social media and are able to infiltrate the minds not just of Iraqis and Syrians but disaffected individuals around the world.”

“It’s not their sophistication or the particular weaponry they possess but it is the ideology that they carry with them and their willingness to die,” Obama added.

There was no way to prevent the coordinated attacks in Paris on Friday night, Obama said.