ISIS Terrorist Released in Plea Deal Months Ago in Illinois


Judicial Watch

The Paris terrorist attacks bring to mind the frightening case of an Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) operative arrested in Chicago last fall and released earlier this year to serve probation in Illinois for a state crime that secretly drew federal intervention.

His name is Emad Karakrah, the ringleader of a sophisticated narco-terror operation and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) facilitated his release from Cook County Jail in January. Judicial Watch uncovered Karakrah’s terrorism record and has reported extensively on his extremist activities, including a 2009 plot to bomb talk-show host Oprah Winfrey’s Chicago studios and the iconic Sears Tower. In late August of last year Karakrah was arrested after leading police on a high-speed chase through Chicago streets as an ISIS flag waved from his car. When Chicago Police finally stopped and arrested Karakrah, he told officers his car was rigged with explosives that would detonate if searched. Bomb disposal units secured the vehicle without incident, but Karakrah’s arrest helped expose a narco-terrorist network with roots and financing in El Paso, Texas.

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Abedin Emails: Clinton ‘Often Confused’ at State Department


Washington Free Beacon


Hillary Clinton was “often confused” about elements of her job at the State Department, according to an email written by her close aide Huma Abedin and released by a watchdog group on Monday.

Judicial Watch obtained a number of Abedin’s work-related emails through a public records request and published over 35 pages of the correspondence on Monday.

The messages include details of Clinton’s finalized daily schedules—information that is often considered sensitive—sent to Abedin over an unclassified email server.

The email included the note: “The information contained in this email is not to be shared, forwarded or duplicated.”

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Another message showed Clinton Global Initiative official Doug Band forwarded a request for visa help to Abedin.

“Doug—Attached is an email from State. All requested information has been submitted. Can you-inquire as to status on my behalf?” wrote the individual, whose name was redacted, in the Oct. 2, 2011, email to Band.

Band replied that he could forward it to someone at the State Department but there was nothing he could do to speed up the visa process. He sent it to Abedin, although there is no evidence that the request had any impact on the visa request.

The Radical Muslims Are Waging A Silent War Against The West By Flooding Us With Muslim Immigrants

Free Republic

It should be absolutely clear to anyone with a brain that the Muslims have watched nations like France, Germany and the US that we have a soft heart for refugees…so why not send their Jihadist fighters into our countries and rage war against our populations and win instead of trying to wage war with our superior military in their countries and lose! Unfortunately, we have a Muslim in the White House who wages war against cops, Christians and white people right here in our own country setting the example for the Muslim crazies everywhere else to wage war on the west.

Obama is a traitor and should be treated as one!

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Obama’s Three Lynch Mob Movements


Front Page

Barack Obama’s demagogic presidency has unleashed state-sanctioned mob violence to a degree not seen since the Jim Crow era.

Obama-approved lynch mobs have been helping to force the fundamental transformation of America that the radical left-wing community organizer promised on the campaign trail in 2008. Creating little armies of malcontents has long been the way Obama’s fellow Marxist agitators have turned groups in society against each other in order to generate the civil unrest and societal instability needed to effect unwanted change. Sometimes thugs get things done that elections can’t.

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Petition Against Obama’s Islamic Invasion


It is encouraging that states are putting up resistance, but barring a miraculous show of resolve Obama is certain to run roughshod over them. At least you can list yourself among the opposition by signing this petition:

In the wake of the Jihad terror attacks in Paris of 13 November, we demand that an indefinite moratorium be placed on all refugee resettlement from Middle Eastern nations.

It has recently come to light that one of the Paris Jihad attackers possessed a Syrian passport and passed through Greece in October 2015. According to Nikos Toscas, Greece’s deputy minister in charge of police, “The holder of the passport passed through the island of Leros on Oct. 3, 2015, where he was identified according to EU rules.”

Seeing how this attacker easily exploited Europe’s refugee policies, we can only assume that others will exploit our generous, and porous, system in order to commit acts of terrorism on our sacred American soil.

Mr. President, WE demand an indefinite moratorium. Protect America!

Unfortunately, Obama was not elected to protect America. He was elected to fundamentally transform it. Stopping him now won’t be easy.

Obama wants to bring a big Trojan horse here.

Obama Thinks the ISIS Attack Is Only a Setback, Makes Sure to Insult Americans

Climate Changer in Chief

Climate Changer in Chief


Independent Sentinel

Barack Obama’s presser on ISIS today ignored the seriousness of the ISIS threat but Obama did take the time to call Americans “shameful” for not wanting unvetted Muslims into the country. He told us it is not “who we are” and these aren’t “our values”.

Those “values” have really gotten the French far.

He was offended that some people are willing to take in Christians, but not Muslims. The fact that it is radical Muslims, not Christians who want to attack us eluded him. In fact, 93% of the immigrants we have taken in are Muslim.

His presser was not popular with Americans on both sides of the aisle. Dianne Feinstein made it quite clear that ISIS is NOT CONTAINED. Gloria Borger, Christiane Amanpour, Nick Paton Walsh also had problems with his speech

They would like to know how his strategy is working.

I’d be happy to know what his strategy is. Playing whack-a-mole isn’t usually a strategy.

Dianne Feinstein said she has never been “more concerned.”

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