Pentagon transfers 5 Gitmo detainees to United Arab Emirates


Free Republic

The Department of Defense announced late Sunday that five detainees at the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba have been released and sent to the United Arab Emirates.

The transfer of Ali Ahmad Muhammad al-Razihi, Khalid Abd-al-Jabbar Muhammad Uthman al-Qadasi, Adil Said al-Hajj Ubayd al-Busays, Sulayman Awad Bin Uqayl al-Nahdi, and Fahmi Salem Said al-Asani, came after a “comprehensive review” by the interagency Guantanamo Review Task Force, according to the Pentagon.

The Pentagon said the five Yemeni men were accepted for resettlement in the Persian Gulf nation after U.S. authorities determined they no longer posed a threat.


Gun Owners of America: Time to Let Gun Grabbers Know We Will Not Comply



On November 12, CBS NEWS reported that White House lawyers are examining gun laws to find an avenue where President Obama can use executive action to go around Congress and expand background checks to cover private gun sales

Obama and the attorneys are trying to determine a threshold that private gun owners who sell and trade guns would cross in order to be treated like licensed gun dealers. Once they cross that threshold—which NBC News reported might be “50 or 100 guns a year”—private citizens would be required to go through a licensed dealer and obtain a background check in order to sell a gun to a neighbor, co-worker, or parent. In other words, the private gun sales Americans have conducted since 1791 would be done away.

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Wake Up America: Syrian Refugees Arrive in New Orleans

Heads up America, Syrian refugees have arrived and they are here to stay.

Your State Department funds are being well invested in one-way tickets for Syrian refugees to New Orleans, Louisiana. FOX 8 WVUE New Orleans News, Weather, Sports, Social

Former FBI Special Agent-In-Charge Jim Bernazzani gave his opinion on the matter. “If I was in charge of ISIL, logistically I’d take advantage of this situation and put my people in, into the United States,” he said.

Governor Bobby Jindal expressed his concerns to the president by writing a letter to the executive office. “As with former immigration crises and federal relocation policy, Louisiana has been kept in the dark about those seeking refuge in the state and it is irresponsible and severely disconcerting to place individuals, who may have ties to ISIS, in a state without the state’s knowledge or involvement,” he wrote.

With the terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday, maybe we should rethink our strategy of bringing Syrians to America and decide whether or not it puts American lives at a risk.