Did Obama tell Jason Collins: I wish I had your courage? Maybe some day the truth will also come out of the closet…

By: Nelson Abdullah – Conscience of a Conservative

“Many a true word is spoken in jest” said William Shakespeare and “Some truths, too painful or too likely to provoke, can be spoken only when the listener has been disarmed by laughter” are proverbial truths.

Barack Hussein Obama cracked a joke at the White House Correspondents Dinner the other day when he said, “I’m not the strapping young Muslim socialist I used to be.” The correspondents who worked for the Democrat Party rolled in laughter. Really, Barry? After you wrote about being mentored for 10 years by a card-carrying Communist named Frank Marshall Davis before you went off to college I would never have guessed you were a socialist. And after you were enrolled in school in Indonesia as a Muslim where you learned to appreciate the sound of the Muslim call to prayers 5 times a day and to read and recite the Qur’an in fluent Arabic, I would never have guessed you were a Muslim. And if you still are a Muslim you must be a very special one who enjoys privileges that no other Muslim enjoys, because as you know Islam demands that homosexuals be condemned to death and if you are no longer a Muslim you also know Islam demands that those who convert to another religion from Islam become Apostates and they also are condemned to death.

One day later in the midst of simmering crises in all corners of the globe, within an hour after an obscure NBA player named Jason Collins made the announcement that he was a homosexual, Barack Hussein Obama felt it necessary to telephone him and congratulate him for his courage. One can only wonder if that telephone conversation was just another joke, a la William Shakespeare, and if it was, did Barry Soetoro //aka// Barack Hussein Obama also tell Jason Collins, “I wish I had your courage.”

This story follows the infamous Newsweek magazine cover in May 2012 and Obama’s famous girly-man pitch at the opening of the baseball season a few years back. But it also follows some very dark accusations from a homosexual drug dealer from Chicago named Larry Sinclair who revealed that he had a sexual relationship with him while Obama was in the Illinois legislature.

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