Obama’s Legacy: A Divided Country & Dysfunctional Government

Freedom Outpost

The legacy of Barrack Hussein Obama will be that he brought the country to  the brink of civil war. His incompetence, lack of experience, skewed vision,  mental incapacity, willingness to lie, and fundamental indifference to this  country and its traditions have put the nation in crisis.


Obama believed that his election to public office in spite of his radical  past and his inexperience was an indication that the public would also accept  his secret radical and socialist agenda.  All he had to do, he thought, was  keep his plans secret.

Why did voters elect this racist ideologue?  They wanted to show  that they harbor no prejudice against a black man, that they are morally  superior, and not bigoted.

They were willing to make president a man who was a one-term senator whose  only accomplishment in the senate was to work on his campaign and vote “present”, whose background was community organizing, whose birthplace was  shrouded in mystery (an original birth certificate has never been produced),  whose associates were known radicals and racists, and whose college years have  been sealed off from inquiry.  Can you imagine any white candidate with  these credentials being elected?

Obama’s purpose from the outset, as suggested earlier, has been to gain  absolute control so that he could transform the United States into a socialist  state.  That was his secret agenda.  But to do that, he had to get  complete control of the country.  The simplest form of absolute control  short of martial law is control at the ballot box.  Obama proposed to get  that by legalizing 30 million illegal aliens.  He reasoned that if 30  million illegal aliens were made citizens, they would easily tip his 51% control  into a wide margin that would insure socialist control into perpetuity.   Granting health care to illegal aliens would cement their loyalty and their  votes, and eliminating private ownership of guns while putting a shut-off valve  on health care would forestall opposition once the populace at large finally  realized what was happening.  Without guns the population would be  powerless and with health care in the hands of the government, dissenters can be  cut off from medical procedures.  See: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_many_illegal_aliens_are_in_the_UShttp://shark-tank.net/2013/05/15/immigration-bill-gives-30-million-illegal-immigrants-legal-status-within-10-years/

Needless to say, had these agendas been laid out in the open, they would have  been universally disapproved by the electorate, for no one but a socialist  radical would be in favor of the United States evolving into a third world  country ruled by people who know how to spend money but not how to make  it.  Had he not lied about his agendas, Obama would have been sent packing  like the crackpot radical he is.


Obama had it right about the extent to which many whites had drunk the “I’m-not-a-racist” cool aid, but what he was too dense to understand is that  although past governments had lied about almost everything, no past government  had attempted to transform the entire country into a socialist state in which  every aspect of life is controlled by the government


But once lies and deception in the service of secret agendas became the  president’s tools of office, Obama’s supporters in government, the bureaucrats,  imitated the boss, and lying and deception became the approved way of doing  business at all levels of government.  So we have the lies in the IRS  scandal, the deception in Fast and Furious, the attorney general lying to a  federal court in order to get an illegal search warrant against journalists, the  NSA concealing from the American public that they are intercepting telephone and  email transmissions, and high level government officials lying about what  happened in Benghazi.

While it would be fair to say that this sort of thing has been done since the  inception of the Republic, what is different now is the scope of the corruption  (which isn’t even acknowledged as corruption).  It is not unusual, for  example, for special interests to team up with lobbyists, legislators, and  financial supporters to promote favored, meritless programs that spend literally  billions of dollars, but enrich its supporters.  The failed head start  program, for example, continues  to spend 7.3 BILLION DOLLARS every year.

For the most part, the public does not even know these boondoggles exist or  that they are being lied to about the true cost.  For example, seniors  mostly supported Obamacare because they were told that Obamacare was strictly a  humanitarian program that would not affect their benefits.  They were not  told that Obamacare is funded in large part by taking 500 BILLION DOLLARS from  Medicare and imposing death panels on seniors, who the government can no longer  afford to treat because the money that funded their treatment has been taken to  pay for Obamacare. That seniors, of all people, actually believed their access  to health care would not be affected by Obamacare illustrates how effective the  system of dishonesty, lies and disinformation really is.

When this nation began, in the eighteenth century, dishonesty, deceit and  lack of transparency in government, while undoubtedly present, were not the  problem they now have become because no one stayed in government long enough to  exploit the dishonesty to the extent it now is exploited.    The  idea then was that you made your contribution, performed your service, and moved  back into private life, where your real interests lay.  Now we have people  who have been in congress thirty or forty years, have retired and gone on to the  even more lucrative field of lobbying.  As lobbyists they are paid to use  their government networks to influence spending and the awarding of  contracts.  On the one hand, this is all done in open, but on the other,  the public at large has no idea what it means and even less idea of what it  costs.


In the end, government lies, operates in secret and covers its actions with  obscurity for only one reason: it wants to do things the public would not  approve.  Why else be secret, non-transparent, and lie?


In my view, the culture of dishonesty is so well established, so deeply  entrenched, that it cannot be fixed.  Changing the actors (elected  officials) promises no relief because the environment in which they work will  remain unchanged and will ultimately control even the best intentioned of  new-comers.

As a matter of last resort, my suggestion is that the United States should be  divided into two separate countries.  One country would be a socialist  mecca for those who wish to be supported by the government.  The other  country would be a place for people who want to support themselves and help  others who need a temporary boost on their way to self-sufficiency.

One country would encourage people who choose to have unlimited illegitimate  children in single parent families supported by welfare; the other would  encourage two parent families who are self-supporting and actively educate and  support their children.

One country would allocate its money to support its own citizens first.   The other country would send money around the world at alarming rates regardless  of whether its people needed financial assistance.

One country would insist on honesty, truthfulness and openness in government  operations; the other would continue to operate by way of lies, deceit and lack  of transparency.  The government based on lies would be forced to do this  to mask the fact that the few who are working are supporting the many who choose  not to work.

Years ago I served as a judicial hearing officer in Family Court, where I  heard more than 10,000 cases involving child support.  Many cases in Family  Division concerned single deadbeat-welfare-recipient fathers who produced seven  to ten children by different mothers, who, with their children, were also on  welfare.  This was during the Clinton years, when government announced it  was putting limits on the time anyone could be on welfare.  Many of these  men had been on welfare all their lives and were second or third generation  welfare recipients.

After Clinton’s changes to welfare went into effect, when I asked the  deadbeat defendants why they weren’t working and how they supported themselves,  they no longer answered they were on welfare.  They answered they were on  Social Security Disability, another government program that paid virtually the  same benefits as welfare.

One healthy twenty-year-old explained to me that he could not work to support  his welfare-funded children or himself because of his federal disability:  the inability to follow orders.  Other defendants, all former welfare  recipients, had disabilities that were similar if less comic.  Government  was actually doing the same thing it had always done, supporting deadbeats and  their progeny, but claiming it had reformed the system.  See: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-250_162-57590780/house-probe-cries-foul-on-social-security-disability-claims/

The point is that it has become impossible to believe anything government  says because it always has an agenda it doesn’t tell us about.  Obama  thinks our concerns about lying in the IRS scandal should be alleviated because  it was only renegade IRS employees who targeted conservatives; in the NSA  scandal, we should be relieved because lawyers and judges have to approve  intrusions into our privacy; in the Fast and Furious scandal, we shouldn’t worry  because the only purpose of the gun-running illegality was to arrest criminals  in Mexico; in the AP scandal Holder’s lies to the federal judge are  fine  because Holder never intended to prosecute the journalists whose communications  he intercepted; and in the Benghazi scandal we should be reassured because  rescue in Benghazi was impossible.  In other words, the fox is explaining  to the farmer that he should not worry about the chickens because the fox has to  check with other foxes before he can do anything to the chickens, and in any  case, sometimes it just isn’t prudent to be transparent about what you’re doing.

For those who never tire of extolling Obama’s brilliance, remind me, please,  once again, how it was a good idea to foster a culture of lies, deceit and  obscurity of purpose such that anything the government says or does is now  regarded as a fraud.

People who want to live in a country where deceit is the norm are  fortunate; they are already there.  Others may want to carve out space  of their own.

Read more: http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/07/barackobamas-legacy-a-divided-country-and-disfunctional-government/#ixzz2Y7tKRvNY

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