Democrats “Accountable” for Illegal Aliens “Murdering Americans All Over Our Cities”

Independent Sentinel

Barack Obama threatened Border Patrol at a town hall this past week, calling them “Border Control.”

Perhaps he should stop insulting Border Patrol and worry about the illegal drug cartel members and terrorists who are known to be slipping over our borders at his open invitation.


Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) said Thursday evening that President Barack Obama and Democrats, who are responsible for the continual release of undocumented immigrants, are murdering Americans.

“Every day, all along border states, maybe other places, there are murders by people who have been arrested coming into this country, who have been released by the Obama administration, I believe in violation of the law, who are murdering Americans all over our cities,” the Rules Committee chairman said at a meeting while discussing Obama’s deportation relief policies. “We hold the Democrat Party and the president personally accountable for this action.”

The instances of illegal aliens killing Americans are too numerous to count.

Rep. Steve King said much the same thing last year.

President Obama announced his 10-point plan to violate the Constitution last November.

Since then a Texas judge has issued an injunction of the order as a result of a lawsuit by 26 states who say the costs will place an undo burden on their states.

Mr. Obama has promised to violate that order.

He has also decided to give the illegal immigrants Social Security numbers which gives them welfare benefits in the form of Earned Income Tax Credits. They will even be allowed to go back four years and redo their tax forms to collect up to $35,000 in back money. They also get an automatic “birthright citizenship”.

No American president has ever violated the Separation of Powers as Barack Obama has.

Last year, he released 36,000 criminal illegal aliens onto our streets.

He and his party are accountable for the damage being done, not only to individual families who suffer at the hands of criminal aliens, but to the cities now plagued with illegal alien crime.

The Sinoloa Cartel has set up a lucrative business in the United States and they hire illegal alien MS-13 gang members stationed in the U.S. to do their dirty work. It isn’t being reported by our government.

For example, the DOJ gave out an official news release about a recent kidnapping of two teenagers but omitted the fact that it was orchestrated by the Sinoloa Cartel and MS-13, according to a report.


Most U.S. crime is committed by illegal alien gangs. They are the primary distributors of illicit drugs in the U.S.  The Justice Department said that up to 80% of crime in the U.S. is committed by gangs and that gang membership in this country has grown to 1 million, an increase of 200,000 in the last few years.

According the U.S. Justice Department’s National Drug Assessment of 2011, Mexican drug cartels have been reported to be operating in more than a thousand U.S. cities in 2009 and 2010. It has gotten much worse since then.

These cartels control most of the distribution of heroin, marijuana, and meth in the U.S. and their operations are increasing, according to the report.

The report further states that the cartels in the U.S. operate primarily in Florida, the Great Lakes, Mid-Atlantic, New England, New York, New Jersey, Pacific, Southeast, Southwest, and West Central.

The report concludes that these Mexican-based organizations “control access to the U.S.-Mexico border, the primary gateway for moving the bulk of illicit drugs into the United States.”

This is a willful destruction of the country and the murder of innocent Americans for an ideological cause.