Barack Obama Dropped Leaflets- Gave ISIS 45 Minutes Before Bombing Them

Gateway Pundit

Barack Obama gave ISIS 45 minutes to scamper before he bombed them.
You wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt now, would you?

It was part of Barack Obama’s “escalation” plan against the ISIS jayvee team.
obama isis warning

Putin, on the other hand, dropped cluster bombs.

Frontpage Mag reported:

The worst part is that this is Obama’s version of an “escalation”. He could have taken out ISIS tanker trucks a long time ago, but then the drivers would have died. (Via J.E. Dyer)

“In Al-Bukamal, we destroyed 116 tanker trucks, which we believe will reduce ISIL’s ability to transport its stolen oil products,” Warren said. “This is our first strike against tanker trucks, and to minimize risks to civilians, we conducted a leaflet drop prior to the strike. We did a show of force, by — we had aircraft essentially buzz the trucks at low altitude.”

The leaflets, which fluttered to the ground about 45 minutes before the strikes, simply said: “Get out of your trucks now, and run away from them. Warning: airstrikes are coming. Oil trucks will be destroyed. Get away from your oil trucks immediately. Do not risk your life.”

“We combine these leaflet drops with very low altitude passes of some of our attack aviation, which sends a very powerful message,” the colonel added.

He said the decision to drop warnings came after they “assessed that these trucks, while although they are being used for operations that support ISIL, the truck drivers, themselves, probably not members of ISIL; they’re probably just civilians.”

“So we had to figure out a way around that. We’re not in this business to kill civilians, we’re in this business to stop ISIL — to defeat ISIL.”

Thus, they tried to come up with a strategy “to kind of shoo people away without harming them.”

Armed Protesters Surround Florida Mosque To Oppose ‘Islamization of America’

Free Republic

On November 21 a group of armed protesters surrounded a Irving, Florida, mosque to oppose the pending influx of Syrian refugees and the “Islamization of America.”

Some of the protesters had AR-15 rifles slung across their shoulders while others carried bolt action rifles popular for their long range accuracy. They explained that they were not carrying the weapons for offensive purposes, but to defend themselves in the event that things went badly during the protest.

According to Fox 4, protest spokesman David Wright said, “We are here protesting Syrian refugees coming to America [and] protesting the Islamization of America.” He is convinced that the opposition he and fellow protesters show is “popular” but people “are scared; they are scared to stand up and say anything about it. They are scared to come out to a place like [Irving] and stand in front of a mosque and protest Islam.”


Muslims Taking Over a Small Town in Tennessee

SHELBYVILLE, Tenn. – It has been nearly 20 years since Somalia last had a functioning government. Islamic jihadists now control most of the country-and sharia is the law of the land. Tens of thousands of Somali refugees have resettled in America in recent years to escape the chaos of their homeland, which is located in the Horn of Africa.
But the transition isn’t going smoothly in one small town. At first glance, Shelbyville is your typical sleepy southern hamlet. It’s nestled in middle Tennessee, where the walking horse is king. There’s Main St., the local sheriff, a movie theatre. It’s all very “Mayberry,” except for one big difference: the recent arrival of hundreds of Somali Muslims. Shelbyville is about an hour’s drive from Nashville, in the heart of the Bible Belt. Like many Americans, the citizens of Shelbyville knew little about Somalia other than the 1993 Black Hawk Down incident, in which 18 U.S. servicemen were killed while battling warlords and Islamic jihadists in the Somali capital of Mogadishu. So when hundreds of Somalis began turning up in the town–many of them dressed in traditional Islamic garb–locals quickly took notice. “They’ve had an impact here. Unfortunately, it’s not been a good impact,” said Brian Mosely, a reporter for the local Shelbyville Times-Gazette.
Mosely won an award from the Associated Press for a series of articles he wrote for the paper about Shelbyville’s Somalis. “I found that there was just an enormous culture clash going on here,” he said. “The Somalis were–according to a lot of the people I talked to here–were being very, very rude, inconsiderate, very demanding. Tthey would go into stores and haggle over prices. They would also demand to see a male salesperson, would not deal with women in stores” Different People, Different Culture
“Their culture is totally alien to anything the residents are used to,” Mosely added. The problems extend to local schools–where some Somali students won’t talk to female administrators. There have also been issues with local law enforcement. “I’m not really sure whether that is because of experiences with the police in their country, or whether that’s just the way their culture is,” said Shelbyville’s Police Chief, Austin Swing. Shelbyville is home to about 17,000 people. The town’s Somali population is estimated to be between 400 and 1,000. Mosely says the Somalis have isolated themselves from the rest of the community. “We’re talking about people who have not had any experience with Western civilization,” he explained. “They don’t know the language. Things like running water are a miracle to some of these folks…you don’t take people from a totally alien culture, put them into a community, and then say ‘alright, you must get along.’ Little Chance to Adapt
Abdirizak Hassan is the director of the Somali Community Center in nearby Nashville. He says the state of Tennessee has no programs to help immigrants integrate into their new surroundings. “They come, and the only thing they can do is go to work, and then after work they go back to the apartment,” Hassan said. “They’re totally isolated and there’s no interaction between them and the locals.” He added that some have even expressed a desire to return to Somalia. “A lot of them face eviction. They put them in an apartment complex that costs $600 a month. They can’t get a job that gives them that much money,” Hassan explained. “And sometimes you have families, like, a single mother with eight kids, or seven kids or six kids, and you expect her to go to work in six months time with no English, no driver’s skills, nothing? I mean, sometimes it’s impossible.” “The locals, mostly, when they see a few hundred people in their backyard with a different look, strangers, you know, of course they have the right to be concerned,” he added. “But I think if the local authorities and organizations like ours do a lot of outreach, I think we can bridge the gap.” So how did so many Somalis end up in rural Shelbyville? The answer can be complicated. The State Department helps resettle refugees from war-torn countries like Somalia in the United States.

Interactive Map Of Radical Mosques IN U.S.

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Weasel Zippers

The map is, however, missing the place that Ismaaiyl Brinsley, the man who assassinated two cops, went to.

Via Daily Caller:

French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve called for the “dissolution” of radical mosques following last week’s terrorist attacks in Paris that killed 130 people. Belgium’s Prime Minister, Charles Michel threatened similar action in his country where the attacks were staged.

Neither President Obama nor other officials in his administration, however, have spoken of shutting down radical mosques in the U.S. But U.S. reticence about taking actions now being implemented by France and Belgium isn’t for a lack of mosques in this country in which hatred for American values and support for jihad terrorism are regularly heard.

There are more than 80 radical mosques in the U.S., according to the Clarion Project, a non-profit group that describes itself as “dedicated to exposing the dangers of Islamist extremism.”

Using Clarion’s definitions, The Daily Caller News Foundation has mapped these radical mosques in an effort to aid readers seeking to understand the extent of radical Islamic voices in this country.

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Choosing national suicide

Family Security Matters

As Winston Churchill noted in his indictment of appeasement of Nazi Germany in the 1930s, “there is a great danger in refusing to believe things you do not like.”

Barack Hussein Obama is succeeding in his fundamental transformation; that is, dismantling the United States as a capitalist republic, based on Judeo-Christian democratic principles.

Obama is dangerous as a President because his ideologies, Marxism and sympathy for Islam, drive him to pursue policies that run counter to the national interest, the well-being of the American people and, quite frankly, the survival of the country. His mendacity is compounded by his arrogance and narcissism that prevent him from accepting responsibility and learning from his mistakes. He is not on our side.

People ask – How can this be happening to our country? What can we do to stop it?

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