Australia Sees Spike in Gun Crime Despite Outright Ban

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Washington Free Beacon

Australia has seen a rise in gun crime over the past decade despite imposing an outright ban on many firearms in the late 1990s.

Charges for crimes involving firearms have increased dramatically across the island nation’s localities in the past decade according to an analysis of government statistics conducted by The New Daily. It found that gun crimes have spiked dramatically in the Australian states of Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, and Tasmania. In Victoria, pistol-related offenses doubled over the last decade. In New South Wales, they tripled. The other states saw smaller but still significant increases.

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Obama Signed Us Up for Global ID Cards


Independent Sentinel

Are you ready to give the UN – an aspiring world government- permission to dole out biometric ID cards to every person on the planet? If you don’t think it could happen, you might want to look at the latest information that has come out of the World Bank as part of the 2030 Sustainable Development we’ve been signed up for by Barack Obama.

Democrats told us for years that it’s racist to ask for photo IDs so how are we going to force everyone to get biometric IDs by 2030, I say with a tinge of sarcasm.

What does this really have to do with poverty and climate change?

This potential dictum came out in September. They want governments to work together on this. Pay attention to these globalists during the Climate Summit in December because they have little regard for individual freedom and sovereignty.

They’re going to make “every one” count. How thoughtful!

They’re doing this all for free. Why? For one thing, it would be a good tool for controlling people in a world under global governance. Certainly, redistribution worldwide would require these cards.

The last paragraph in the announcement below is the one that is most interesting.

“Legal identity is a necessary component of inclusive institutions supporting shared prosperity – and an important priority of the Governance Global Practice.”

Collectivism and redistribution must of necessity be a part of this and even if it is driven by good intentions, why would anyone give this kind of power to a potential global government?

This is too Orwellian and it’s an authoritative, invasive concept. A government, national or global, that allows a government to catalogue and track every individual is typical of a dictatorship. People would conceivably have to carry these cards around with them. Will they put a GPS in it at some point? The government already watches our online communications to the extreme. We have cameras everywhere in New York where I live. There will be no end.

Do we really need this kind of supervision by the “benevolent” government and do we really want this power in the hands of small numbers of incompetent bureaucrats? They have a name for these types of governments – Ineptocracies.

World Bank Identification for Sustainable Developlment GGP ID4D Flyer

MU Student Body Prez and Race Activist Payton Head Met With Obama at White House

payton head obama

Free Republic

In September Missouri Students Association president Payton Head posted a report about a racial slur directed at him. Head alleged he was walking around campus when the passenger of a pickup repeatedly shouted the N-word at him. There were no witnesses.

Yesterday Payton Head warned students the KKK was on campus. He later retracted the claim. The Blaze reported:

University of Missouri Student Body President Payton Head issued a chilling warning of a confirmed Ku Klux Klan presence on campus Tuesday  only to admit it was not true hours later.

Now this Race activist Payton Head  who complains about white privilege and racial slights but was voted student body president  is linked to Barack Obama. What a shock.



Will Five Justices Give One Man Control of US Immigration Law?

Family Security Matters

President Barack Obama told the truth – perhaps by accident – when he spoke last November at a Chicago community center.

Hecklers shouted at him for not doing enough, in their view, to stop deportations. He responded by defending his new policy.

“I understand you may disagree. But we’ve got to be able to talk honestly about these issues. All right?” said Obama, according to the White House transcript.

“Now, you’re absolutely right that there have been significant numbers of deportations. That’s true,” he said. “But what you’re not paying attention to is the fact that I just took action to change the law.”

Yes, Obama put it in the first-person singular: ‘I just took action to change the law.”

What law did Obama change?

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