According to the media……….

Socialism is not the Answer

1 Dragon

According to the media……………….. you’ve heard these words before, but according to the media, Mitt Romney is the guy to beat Obama. Why, because they say so? This is the same media that said we were all racist if we didn’t agree with Obama. That OWS was just like the Tea Party. That Obama was god-like and would unite this country. The same media that says Obama is a Natural Born Citizen well Obama is not a natural born citizen because his father was a Kenyan national and a British subject, as was Obama,
“at birth.”

The same media that use the term “birthers or tea-baggers” when they refere to Patriots that respect and honor the U.S Constitution but call OWS people that walk all over the American Flag, use the F-word to describe our military, and assault people, real Americans.

Is Mitt my first choice? No. At this point in time, it’s still an open field although it is narrowing. As for the media, well everyone has an opinion and you know what they say about opinions.

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