Four More Years? Of This?

American Thinker

President  Barack Hussein “kill list” Obama says that he needs four  more years to fix the economy.  Never mind that the Gross Domestic  Product (GDP) grew at a “less  than spectacular” rate of 1.3 percent in the second quarter of 2012.  Or  that George Walker Bush’s deficit-to-GDP  ratio was 2.7 percent, while Obama’s deficit-to-GDP ratio is 8.9 percent  (Reagan’s, by the way, was 4.2 percent).  Or that today’s economy is far  worse than it was in 2008.  You remember, the one Obama claimed  that his policies would correct.  So, considering today’s economy, despite  what Obama (claims he) was not told, and after three  and a half years of his economic policies, can any one of you  Democrats/liberals/progressives (yes, that’s intended to be a pejorative term)  suggest why the next four years would be any different?

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