Hillary’s Henchmen Pressured FBI

Jim Campbell's

crew-2231211Hillary Clinton doesn’t need henchmen to do her bidding.

Though when possible she uses them to avoid the appearance of blood on her hands.

Should she steal the election the first thing a new congress must do if it remains in their control is to impeach in the House and Trie her in the Senate.

She wrote the book on high crimes and misdemeanors while Secretary of State.

She will forever be knowing as the lying murderous bitch from Benghazi.



Today the FBI released another 100 pages relating to its investigation of Hillary Clinton’s conduct as Secretary of State. Why it has taken so long for the agency to review, redact and publish a very small quantity of documents is inexplicable. Be that as it may, the documents released today are explosive.

12004005_10206655707223854_9216895995772070867_nYou may have seen headlines to the effect that Hillary’s…

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A Perfect Misfit for the UN Leadership

Secure Freedom Minute fsm logo


The United Nations yesterday unanimously elected a new leader. He’s a prominent socialist with a record of mismanagement and doing the bidding of Islamists.

Antonio Gutterres thus is a perfect misfit for the institution corrupt leftists and totalitarians use to advance a transnational agenda that, in practice, furthers Islamic supremacism – among other dangerous ideologies.

Claudia Rosett is the investigative reporter who has done more than anyone to document the UN’s systemic dysfunction and various misdeeds. She noted recently at PJ Media that for six years Gutterres ran the Socialist International and for ten years the UN’s refugee programs.

In these capacities, he long promoted under the guise of “democratic socialism” Bernie Sanders-style anti-Americanism and worked with those trying to import more jihadists into the United States.

Expect more of the same, and worse, from Secretary General Antonio Gutterres.