Mass To Be Held For Slain US Journalist Foley [No WH Officials To Attend?]

Free Republic

Mass To Be Held For Slain US Journalist Foley AAugust 24 2014 ROCHESTER, N.H. James Foley, the U.S. journalist slain by Islamic State militants after being held in captivity for nearly two years, will be remembered Sunday at a Mass of Remembrance in his hometown.

Foley was kidnapped on Thanksgiving Day 2012 while covering the Syrian uprising. The Islamic State posted a Web video Tuesday showing his murder and said it was in retaliation for U.S. airstrikes in northern Iraq.

President Barack Obama has called Foley a hero for telling the stories of oppressed people in war-torn regions like Syria and Libya. The U.S. launched a raid this summer to rescue Foley and other hostages, but special forces were unable to locate the captives.

The Mass at 2 p.m. Sunday is in Foley’s hometown church, Our Lady of the Holy Rosary in Rochester.


One thought on “Mass To Be Held For Slain US Journalist Foley [No WH Officials To Attend?]

  1. No great surprise. They KNOW that the beheading was a FAKE. Look at the manikin and look at the real person. Do they look similar? (NO):

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