New Terrorist Threat From U.S. Citizens Is Big Worry

Family Security Matters

errorism: Senate Intelligence panel chief Dianne  Feinstein  contradicts President Obama’s claims of terrorist threats  diminishing. The FBI,  meanwhile, warns of Islamist U.S. citizens  attacking the homeland.

CNN’s Candy Crowley, who did so much during the second presidential  debate  last year to help President Obama get re-elected (defending his  false claim  that “I stood in the Rose Garden and I told the American  people and the world  that” Benghazi “was an act of terror” the day  after), was shocked on Sunday  when Senate Intelligence Committee  Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.,  didn’t act as fellow Obama  cheerleader.

“I expected to hear, ‘Oh, we’re safer!'” Crowley responded when  Feinstein  gave a negative answer to Crowley’s question whether the  nation is safer than a  year ago, or two years ago.

Feinstein pointed out that “terror is up worldwide; the statistics  indicate  that. The fatalities are way up … there are new bombs, very  big bombs, trucks  being reinforced for those bombs,” plus “more groups  than ever” and “huge  malevolence out there.”


That’s far removed from Obama’s boast to Jay Leno in August that “the  odds  of dying in a terrorist attack are a lot lower than they are of  dying in a car  accident”; or his claim the same month that al-Qaida “has  been broken apart and  is very weak and does not have a lot of  operational capacity”; or his  announcement in May that America will no  longer wage what he called “a  boundless ‘Global War on Terror.’ “

What Feinstein warns are “more groups than ever” the president  downplays as  “less capable al-Qaida affiliates” who threaten only  “diplomatic facilities and  businesses abroad,” plus “homegrown  extremists.”

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