What The Founders Thought About Islam, In Their Own Words


The Federalist Papers Project

President Obama has continually asserted that Islam was “woven into the fabric” of the United States since its founding. Obama claims that Muslims have made significant contributions to building of this nation. The claim is laughable to anyone who has studied US history. Historian David Barton spoke to Glenn Beck and tore the president’s claims apart.

Barton found the first real contribution any Muslim made was in 1856 (80 years after the founding) when then Secretary of War Jefferson Davis hired one Muslim to help train camels in Arizona. Not exactly a resounding contribution, since the plan to fight Native Americans via camelback was soon dismissed.

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Obama’s Empowerment of Islam



Numerous conversations I have with folks have shown me that there are a number of people out there that not only believe that President Obama is an anti-American President, but that he is a Muslim.  In the end, it is all speculation, for Barack Obama has never given anyone indisputable evidence regarding his faith, which is why Scott Walker accurately indicated he had no idea what Obama’s faith is.

However, regardless of if you believe that Obama owns a Muslim prayer rug, or if you think he’s a Christian with a “Reverend Jeremiah Wright” G-Damn America splash of crazy in his religious thinking, or if you support the idea that Obama is a Godless Communist that rejects faith but appeases Islam because it serves his purpose, his actions and words tell a very interesting story that suggests he personally feels hostility towards Christianity, and is sympathetic to the followers of the false prophet Muhammad.

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