Obama to Relinquish Sovereignty, Control of Half the World to the UN


Image via 1800politics.com


Independent Sentinel



Barack Obama has assumed power over all US waterways, even those that are not navigable, and he is also ready to turn them over two-thirds of the world’s waterways to the UN for redistribution of their resources under the guise of protecting the planet. Obama has already declared many of our seas off bounds for development and drilling.

There is now in the works a similar treaty to the climate change treaty which will give vast control of the world’s oceans over to the U.N. This move will once again grant to the U.N. authority that the Constitution forbids.

He will do it without Senate approval if he needs to. The Senate has already relinquished its power to the Obama pen and phone.

Fox News reports that Obama is working on a vast, far-reaching treaty with the UN that will give them control over the biological resources of the high seas—all the waters that lie outside national territories and economic zones.

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