One thought on “New Black Panther Leader Hashim Nzinga: ‘Like It or Not Obama is from Kenya’

  1. So tell us something we don’t know. Obumma, libs, the far left(Commonly known as facists) and “The new black panther party” (as if the old one wasn’t bad enough) are doing all that’s possible to start a race war in America. I really did think we were past this. Said it before and I’ll say it again- Obumma is a damn Oreo- HE IS BI-RACIAL, not black. He is primarily attacked because of his policies- or lack there-of. It has nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with destroying this country from the inside out. He never accepts blame on anything and always has a “Vacation” around the corner. He has committed treason so many times(along with other high crimes against the American people and the country) he could be shot 10 times over at Leavenworth and it wouldn’t be enough. I pray this sinks in- but I dobt it

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